
有几种标准化考试, 通常被称为入学考试, that are used in evaluating applicants to professional programs in the medical profession:

  • 称MCAT for allopathic medical school 和 osteopathic medical school
  • DAT 牙科学校
  • 燕麦 去验光学校
  • GRE考试 for graduate 和 other professional schools

Some programs accept either a specialized exam (e.g., PCAT 用于药房)或 GRE考试.

The relative importance of your scores on these st和ardized exams to your chances of being admitted may vary depending on the program, but are almost always one of the top three criteria used to evaluate applicants. 相应的, it is vital that you take them seriously 和 spend appropriate time 和 energy preparing for them.

Some general ways to prepare for the exams, 不管你选哪一个, 如下所列. The 称MCAT is typically used as a model because it is so widely used 和 has been so thoroughly studied.

  1. 尽可能多地了解考试. Detailed information 和 practice exams are usually available online at the administering organization’s website (see links above). There may also be guidebooks available at most bookstores.
  2. Study material covered on the exams by reviewing courses you have taken, 学习指南, or taking preparatory courses offered by private companies (e.g., 卡普兰 和 普林斯顿评论 称MCAT考试).
  3. Take practice exams under realistic, timed conditions. Most such exams are now offered in computer-based format so this is the best format for you to use when practicing.
  4. Review the results of your practice exam to identify areas in which you need improvement 和 spend more time reviewing material in these areas. 重复.
  5. Review the results of your practice exam to identify tactical errors you may have made 和 begin to develop strategies for answering each type of question (e.g., some answers to questions based on a given passage may appear to be true, but if they are outside the scope of the passage, 他们不太可能是正确的). 重复.
  6. Some exams or sections thereof are difficult to study for because they test reading comprehension or writing skills. 不过, taking practice exams will help you to know what to expect, 制定成功的策略, 和 to identify the types of reading or writing exercises you should practice.
  7. Start preparing for the exams well in advance; a year is none too soon, but pace yourself! You must find a balance between preparing thoroughly 和 burning yourself out by studying too much. The 称MCAT is given several times throughout the year, 和 you must take them no later than the calendar year before you hope to matriculate in medical school (although some schools may consider January scores for that calendar year).
  8. Take the exam as often as you have to in order to obtain reasonable scores. 例如, if you do well on the 称MCAT on your first try, then you can focus your attention on completing the application process. If you need to improve your scores, you can retake the exam (up to three times in one year). Taking the exam multiple times is usually a good idea because most medical schools look at either your best or your most recent scores. Make every effort to ensure that your scores improve each time you take the exam.
  9. 考试前花点时间放松一下, 晚上睡个好觉, 吃一顿营养丰富的早餐. Scope out the exam site before the day of the exam so that you can arrive early without adding the stress of having to hurry.
  10. 考试时要保持冷静. Follow the strategies you developed, perhaps including some of the following:
    • If you can narrow the choice of answers to two possibilities, choose one 和 move on.
    • If you cannot eliminate any obviously wrong answers, but have an inkling as to what the answer might be, return to it later (but keep track of your first impression for all such questions – scrap paper is provided). If you have time at the end to think more about the question, 然后选择你当时的最佳答案. If you do not have time at the end to work more on the question, fill in the space corresponding to your first impression.
    • If you have no idea as to what the answer might be, keep track of the question (on scrap paper) 和 come back at the end to enter a guess.
    • Do all non-passage-based questions first so that you at least have a chance to answer the questions you know; then move on to the passages.
    • 基于文章的问题, you may want to take a quick peek at the questions, then read the passage 和 either highlight key parts or write quick notes on scrap paper.
    • Pay close attention to the question that is asked 和 choose the answer that best answers the question. More than one answer may be true, but not answer the question.
    • 管理你的时间. Do not spend too much time on any one question or section. Leave time near the end of the exam to return to questions you did not answer. If a fresh look at the question allows you to narrow the possible answers, then choose one. 否则, choose your first impression or choose a letter 和 answer all unanswered questions with that letter.

St和ardized Exam Info 和 Preparation 资源 Available



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