
Studying Languages at Clark

Although there is no language requirement at Clark, every student is expected to take at least one course that deals with the interrelation between language 和 culture. This is called the Language 和 Culture Perspective, or “LP” for short.

Learn More about Language Requirements 和 Placement 


Our department offers instruction in these languages for students across the University, whether or not they are majoring or minoring in language, 文学, 和文化:

  • American Sign Language (ASL)
  • 阿拉伯语
  • 中国人
  • 法国
  • 德国
  • 希腊
  • 希伯来语
  • 日本
  • 拉丁
  • 西班牙语

Students also have the option of studying other languages at colleges in the Worcester area through the Higher Education Consortium of Central 麻萨诸塞州.


除了 to course in 法国西班牙语, we offer courses in a number of other languages:

American Sign Language (ASL)

  • ASL 1010: American Sign Language I
  • ASL 1020: Beginning American Sign Language II
  • ASL 1030: Beginning American Sign Language III
  • ASL 1040: American Sign Language IV


  • ARAB 101: Elementary 阿拉伯语 I
  • ARAB 102: Elementary 阿拉伯语 II
  • ARAB 105: Introduction to 阿拉伯语 Culture


  • CHIN 101: Elementary 中国人 I
  • CHIN 102: Elementary 中国人 II
  • CHIN 103: Intermediate 中国人 I
  • CHIN 104: Intermediate 中国人 II


We offer courses in beginning 和 intermediate 德国 (101-104), plus English language courses on 德国 文学 和 culture. 除了, there are courses in 德国 studies offered through Clark’s departments of Philosophy, 历史, 音乐, 经济学, 政治科学, 和心理学, as well as the programs in Comparative Literature 和 Holocaust 和 Genocide Studies. In many of these courses, faculty will work with students who want to develop their abilities to read materials in the original 德国.

学生可能 also take additional 德国 courses at other colleges in the Worcester Consortium for Higher Education.

学生可能 出国留学 at the University of Trier as well as the Free University of Berlin. Besides the 德国 studies concentration, students may elect 德国 as their primary language within the context of the comparative 文学 major.


We offer directed study in 希腊.


Every semester, three 希伯来语 courses are taught at three different levels. Modern conversational 希伯来语 is taught in all levels along with reading 和 writing skills. 在每门课程中, Israeli 文学 is examined through short stories, 报纸上的文章, 诗歌和歌曲. Jewish 和 Israeli culture is the main focus for teaching.

Our classes hold video conferences with students in Haifa University in Israel. Video conferencing enables students in both countries to share lectures 和 their opinions on the same different topics.

Students studying 希伯来语 might also be interested in the Jewish Studies concentration.


每年, we offer Beginning 日本 (101 in the fall, 102 in the spring) 和 Intermediate 日本 (103 in the fall 和 104 in the spring). Students who wish to continue 日本 language study are urged to participate in Clark’s Study Abroad Program 在日本 关西Gaidai. 除了, 日本 296, Advanced Topics, is available to students as a directed reading course.

Four courses in 日本 文学 和 culture give students a chance to explore 文学 in a cultural context:

  • 日本 110: 日本 Popular Culture: Narratives of National Identity
  • 日本 190: 日本 Women Writers
  • 日本 275: The 日本 Warrior Tradition
  • 日本 280: Memory 和 National Identity in Post-war 日本 Fiction 和 Film

对于这些课程, all the readings are in English (though students may elect to do some/all of the readings in 日本), 和 no knowledge of 日本 language or history is expected or assumed.

检查 学术目录 to see which 日本 courses count toward majors or minors in 亚洲研究, comparative 文学,和 women’s 和 gender studies.


We offer these courses in 拉丁:

  • LAT 101: Introductory 拉丁 I
  • LAT 102: Introductory 拉丁 II
  • LAT 103: Intermediate 拉丁

Language, Literature, 和 Culture

  • Estabrook Hall, 3rd Floor

  • 1-508-793-7234
  • 1-508-793-8852传真